
Calm Karma at Le Jardin Spa

Whilst we may only have got a taste this year of an Indian Summer, the great weather nevertheless inspired us to look to exotic locations for healing and therapeutic spa treatments which we could introduce to our ever-evolving spa menu. So, this season, we are delighted to bring you the ancient renowned Shriodhara treatment. It’s […]

Le Jardin Summer Scent-Sations – Glow Up

Natural cosmetics with rose oil

As an extra gift to ‘glow’, Le Jardin’s Spa Summer Sensation package includes our popular bespoke botanical body oil. With wonderful vegan scents such as the sublimely feminine wild rose, or the uplifting lime and basil..these aromatics linger on the skin for hours after application. Why choose a summer oil over a lotion? As spa […]

Relax And Eat The Egg

chocolate eggs and sweets

As we approach the season of Cream Eggs and expanding waistbands here at Le Jardin we are pondering the virtues of one of our favourite indulgent treats… Chocolate.

Its Our First Anniversary


It’s been an exciting and unpredictable year for the team at Le Jardin Luxury Spa, and as we celebrate our 1st Anniversary, we look towards what we hope to be more settled times later in 2021.

A Matter Of The Heart

As Valentines focuses so much on
the heart our Spa Director, Orla Gallagher, has devised some
heart health dietary and
wellbeing advice for you.

Going Green

Woman spa mask half-face beauty concept.Woman spa mask half-face beauty concept.

Making the healthy choice can be easy, especially when it involves a full day of spa therapy with our Green Goddess, or for the gents Green Man, signature treatment. At Le Jardin we constantly try to combine health with spa therapy believing that the two concepts work individually. Of our vast repertoire of packages and […]

Win A Facial

We might be temporarily closed at the moment but we’re giving one lucky winner the opportunity to win one of our luxury facials to use as soon as Covid-19 regulations are relaxed and our doors re-open. Entering is as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Visit Lejardinspas.com2. Register your details for news & offers here3. […]

Spa Tech Focus – LED Face Mask

Natura Bisse facials at Le Jardin always combine advanced skincare technology with the purest of products. One of our favorite tools of 2021 being the LED mask which guarantees a brighter complexion with lightning-fast results! As our skin ages, it suffers a gradual loss of collagen and elasticity, loses 20 to 80% of its thickness, […]

Let Out The Joy

girl laughs

How long has it been since you have partaken in a good giggle? Or overheard a big belly laugh? The sort of laugh that begins deep in the depths of someone’s tummy and rises upwards forcing them to throw back their head in exhalation and unashamed let the joy out? Has it been a while? […]

Vitamin C – Me

With enhancing our immunity and strengthening our bodies being high on the agenda in the months ahead, we have decided to focus on one of the most influential vitamins in boosting the bodies immune system; Vitamin C.