
A Matter Of The Heart

As Valentines focuses so much on the heart our Spa Director, Orla Gallagher, has devised some heart health dietary and wellbeing advice for you.

The heart has always been associated with love, perhaps due to the physical effects of pulse-raising or the pounding nervousness aroused following meeting that individual you deem to be ‘the one’.

Whilst current circumstances has everyone focused on maintaining good immunity and mental strength, the heart and circulation can easily be supported during this time to add energy to the body and increase general healing and wellbeing.

Herbal Teas

As many of our guests know we serve health tonics and herbal teas post-treatment some of which are geared towards the heart such as. Rosehip tea; rich in antioxidants and helpful in weight loss programs, helps protect against heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Its has also been shown to help fight signs of ageing when used externally and internally. Check out our Le Jardin Rosehip & Marula oil facial serum for a topical treat.

Beetroot & Cherry Tonic

When we give this tonic shot to drink post-treatment you can practically taste the earthy goodness, beetroot has a blood pressure-lowering effect by aiding the arteries. High in Magnesium it also helps to strengthen the heart muscle over time. Cherry juice also helps lower systolic BP and can lower cholesterol as part of a balanced diet.

Scrubs & Salts

Also, dry skin body brushing and the use of body scrubs and bath salts have a positive heart effect by aiding the lymphatic system and circulation, whist ultimately adding an outward and inner glow to the body.

To find out more about which spa therapy is most beneficial for your heart and for more practical dietary and lifestyle advice please reach out to Orla our resident Naturopath and Herbalist who is happy to support you at this time.